Children’s Season 2019

The month of October is dedicated solely to Our Children. It also marks the end of my Water Bottle Cozy projects for the Year 2019. It had been an enjoyable craft spanning through these last 6 months. Dabbling with textured crochet stitches and exploring how various colours can complement each other to help bring out the best of each water Bottle Cozy. Even incorporating Math into my Crochet projects. From simple counting of stitches to pythagoras’ theorem , to the study of proportion and gauge to make various Water Bottles Cozies that will fit water bottles of different dimensions snuggly.

The Mothers love it, the Nurses love it and I hope Our Children will love it too. Advance crochet stitch techniques were used to achieve the Moroccan stitch and the ever so mesmerising Apache tear stitch were put into the design creation of these Water Bottle Cozies.

For Our Children’s Season this October, I decided to make our little friendly characters from The 100 Acre Woods into Water Bottle Cozy companions. To construct the shapes in their geometric form and achieving the right proportion was tricky. It has been designed such that it can be hung onto Stroller handles, Cot/Bed rails, around a small child’s wrist or even as a decoration on a IV drip stand.

As always, many stolen hours were put into completing these projects. But for this October.. the message to Our Children is…

Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and Be my Friend – Winnie the Pooh

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